Welcome to twigstacks, weary traveller! Take off your coat. Put your feet up. Make yourself at home
Pardon the construction. Twigstacks will be ready for you soon. In the meantime, hang out with James the kitty construction worker and warm yourself by the fire

(james you really should be getting back to work)
adventures in fiber art
1.5.23>> I am currently working on a sweater than I hope to finish within the next month or so, which I think is reasonable considering Ive just finished the back panel. Im using an old pattern from the 80's as a rough guide, but im really trying to use this project to begin my transition away from relying on traditional patterns in favor of a more free form process.
Here is the design im planning to put on the front panel

1.10.23>> making some good progress! I finished the text on the main panel and have finally began the front panel graphic. Ive run into a slight problem due to inconsistency in yarn weight, with the green yarn being a bulkier 4 ply as opposed to a 3 ply, which is what im using for the rest of the pattern. Im hoping this will not interfere too much with how the graphic looks or how flat it lays.
Heres the finished back panel

3.1.23>> Getting so close! Im almost completely finished with the front panel (still need to weave in some ends and iron) and have one of the sleeves done. waiting for some more yarn in the mail now but im hoping i can wrap up this project relatively soon.
Heres the front panel!!